Kristýna Rosenbachová

Kristýna Rosenbachová

Office manager

In the travel agency since 2021


Mobil: +420 724 730 063
Phone: +420 543 524 442

Save business card (VCF)

Pracovní doba

Today Out of office
Sunday 28. 07. Out of office
Monday 29. 07. 08:30 - 15:00
Tuesday 30. 07. 08:30 - 15:00 (home office)
Wednesday 31. 07. 08:30 - 15:00
Thursday 01. 08. Vacation
Friday 02. 08. Vacation
Saturday 03. 08. Out of office

My photo gallery of the trips

About me

Destinations visited

Visited countries

We traveled the world. We will give you our personal advice.